Ask the Lord to Strengthen Your Will

“Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers” (James 1:16).

The enemy of God knows that all is in our will, we decide. Therefore, he decided to undermine our will and annul our capacity to decide. Many will end going along with others and sink.

Ask the Lord to strengthen your will. Open your heart to the Divine Holy Spirit, reveal to him the concupiscence that weighs on you and make this prayer:

I decide for You, Lord: for Your paths and for your laws. I decide myself to never allow concupiscence to be fertile in me. Give me, knocking, Lord, strength of will. Give me decisiveness.

I decide to not sin. Even though I may feel the force of concupiscence in me, wanting to drag me, I will not break.

I am good earth and I cannot produce bad fruits. I cannot produce sin in my life. Only the seeds of God can flower in me.

Lord Jesus, I am declaring: Today I give You victory. I know that I ceded to temptation many times and, therefore, my will is broken. I ask: strengthen my will. Give me the grace of not sinning. Lord, I decide for You!

God bless you!

Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova (New Song) Community

translated from Portuguese