The Death of Jesus is the Seed of New Hope, Says the Pope in the Way of Cross

Canção News: The Best Way to be Informed

Leonardo Meira
Canção Nova Newsroom

Rome–The end of the Celebration of the Way of the Cross in the Coliseum in Rome, on Good Friday, Pope Benedict XVI directed to the faithful some words. The Pontiff stressed the significance of the self-giving of Jesus.

“In the death of the Son of God, on the Cross there was the seed of the new hope of life, as the grain of wheat that died in the within the Earth. The cross speaks to us of the love of the supreme God and invites us to renew, today, our faith in the force of this love.” he said.

The silence in which the Christians plunging into the Good Friday night and continue to the Easter Vigil is an invitation to relive the drama of Jesus, who takes upon himself the suffering, evil and the sin of man.

And now, what remains before our eyes? One Crucified remains. But we fixate ourselves to the crucified man between the Earth and Heaven, contemplating Him with a deeper look and we discover that the Cross is not a sign of the victory of death, of sin, of evil, but the brilliant sign of love, better still, of the immensity of the Love of God, of the one that we would never be able to ask, imagine or hope: God himself gazes over us, lowers himself until He reaches the darkest angle of our life in order to extend a hand and attract us to Himself and bring us to Him.” he affirmed.

The Pope closed his talk inviting the faithful, present in the Coliseum, and whomever accompanied the celebration across the media of communication to pray:

“Iluminate, Lord, Our Heart, for You to enable us to follow your way of the Cross; make us die to the ‘old man’ in us tied to egoism, to evil, to sin, and make us become “new men” holy men and woman transformed and inspired by your love.”

translated from Portuguese