Hold On Tight! The Lord Wants You to be Holy!

So as Monsignor Jonas Abib says in many of his preachings and in his daily homilies, and a to all those with whom he lives, today I want to say to you: Hold on tight!

Perhaps you may be going through many problems, sickness, unemployment, alcoholism in the family, and many others with depression, the illness of century.

I say again: Hold on firm, be patient!

Your martyrdom with bring you to holiness, our problems are not motives to remain grumbling, and without praising God, for our God is much greater than our problems! As the popular saying goes: Do not say to God the size of your problem, but show your problem the size of your God!

Your Country needs Saints!

Holiness or Nothing!

Being holy is to say no to all the world offers, like the destruction of families. Being holy is to say no to drugs, to say no to prostitution, lies, gossip, envy, to all that is contrary to the proposal of Christianity!
Make a problem an arena of martyrdom for holiness!

Make your problem an arena to bring you to holiness.

God Bless You!

Abraço (hug)


translated from Portuguese