I Assumed the Gifts and You?

Hi guys, peace and goodness!

Many times we are often deceived by the enemy and by our conscience that makes us love a false “self-pity.” We live complaining in the midst of little daily problems, diminishing and negating the gifts that the Lord Himself gave and gives to us.

It is different for those that follow and serve Christ. All of us, members of the congregations, new communities of the Charismatic Renewal, who allow ourselves to assume the experience of a personal encounter with Christ and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We remain waiting for great manifestations while the details of evangelization are going to be lost.

In the beginning of his first letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul tell us: “…called to be an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God…” and still “…in him you were richly provided with al the gifts, he gave you the word and the knowledge…So, while you are waiting for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, you are not lacking in any gift…”

Today my invitation to you, my brother and sister, is to assume that the choice is God’s grace. As you are born with this color of eyes, that hair style, then, etc., God also gave you spiritual characteristics that are present. I have learned that this prophecy is fulfilled in someone’s life only when someone takes this and runs after it.

If you, minister of the Lord, despair with the feelings of inability or unworthiness, I want to say to you: in fact you are incapable and unworthy by yourself, but when it is the Lord who calls you He enables you and uses weak instruments to demonstrate His power.

Independent of what you do in the your community know that your following Christ is the will of God, yes! God want and wants, therefore Assume it. If already you received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, you are the bearer of all the gifts. Of course, one or the other manifests itself more easily, but we know that thus with the natural gifts are perfected through practice, (playing the guitar, painting, etc.) thus it happens with the spiritual gifts. So: Assume them!

Assume that they are yours that which God gave to you for “the call and gifts of God are irrevocable.” As a beautiful song says “embrace that which is yours, remain faithful, fight without discouragement!”

I assume them and you?

Deus abençoe, (DE-oos ah-ben-SOH-ee) [God Bless]

We are together!

Emanuel Stênio

translated from Portuguese