Benedict XVI Remembers Sister Dulce, "the Mother of the Helpless"

Canção News: The Best Way to be Informed

Kelen Galven
from the news room and from a Bulletin of the Holy See.

After the Regina Coeli, Sunday, Pope Benedict XVI directed a salutation to the faithful of the Portuguese language and remembered the Beatification of Sister Dulce Lopes Pontes that took place today in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

“Upon saluting the pilgrims of the Portuguese language, I also desire to unite myself in the joy of the shepherds and faithful meeting in São Salvador da Bahia for the beatification of Sister Dulce Lopes Pontes [Irmã Dulce] who left behind her a prodigious list of charity in service of the least, bringing all of Brazil to see in her ‘ The Mother of the helpless’ ” he stressed.

.:Photos of coverage of the Beatification of Sister Dulce on Flickr

The Holy Father remembered also the beatification of Sister Maria Clara of the Child Jesus founder of the Franciscanas Hospitaleiras da Imaculada Conceição [Fransciscan women of hospitality of the Immaculate Conception] which took place Saturday (May 21) in Lisbon, Portugal. The Pope stressed that the newly beatified taught to give light and warmth to the multiude of poor and forgotten of society, seeing and welcoming in them God Himself.”

He trusted the faithful, their families and devotees, to the intercession of the newly beatified, to their spiritual daughters and sisters and to the ecclesial communities of Lisbon and São Salvador da Bahia, while “from  heart” he bestowed upon all his Apostolic Blessing. ”

translated from Portuguese