God Gives You the Ability to Love

Hold on! The civilization of love is at hand. There is less to get there. We can already scream: land in sight! The new land is very close. We already caught sight of her.

Brothers, if, in general, we can not love others, nor have mercy and kindness towards others, it is because we have not accepted God’s love for us.We can only love our neighbor as ourselves if we accept this grace [God the Father’s love for us]. Often, we do not love others, we do not have a pastor’s heart, we do not have the heart of Jesus towards our brothers and sisters, because truly we do not believe in God’s love.

Problems exist and worsen the heart, but by no means should you give up on love. The Almighty gives you the ability to love. The ability to love is in your heart, but the decision to love will only depend on you. If you decide to love, everything will change in your life.
God Bless You!

Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of Canção Nova Community

translated from Portuguese