Pope Says Creation of Palestinian State a Legitimate Aspiration

Canção News: The Best Way to be Informed

Leonardo Meira

from Canção Nova News Room with material from the Press Bulletin of the Holy See

Rome–Pope Benedict XVI received in audience the president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, Friday Morning.

The encounter occurred in a climate of cordiality and stressed the difficult situation in the Holy Land. Particularly, emphasizing the urgency of finding a just and permanent solution to the Israel Palestinian conflict. Assuring the rights of all and concretizing the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian People- an independent State.

Then, it was reiterated that the State of Israel and the Palestinians should live in safety as soon as possible, at peace with their neighbors and within the parameters agreed internationally. In this framework, with support from the international community and in a spirit of cooperation and openness to reconciliation, the Holy Land may find peace.

Reference was made to the situation of Christian communities in the Palestinian Territories and, in general, the Middle East. The irreplaceable contribution that Christians offer to the building society was also stressed.

Finally, it was desired that the works of the Delegation of the Holy See and of the Organization for the Liberation of Palestine procede in a fruitful way in the elaboration of a Global Accord between the parties.

The president was also with  the Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, accompanied by the secretary for the Relations with the States, Archbishop Dominique Mamberti.

translated from Portuguese