Seeing is Believing

Many criticize the faith of St. Thomas…

Therefore, all do not have his faith or less…

Our Faith cannot be based in signs, wonders and miracles. Our faith is Christ. . .”Faith is the certainty of that which is hoped for, the demonstration of realities that are not seen. (Hb 11:1)

The Hebrew people received great signs of God,  but soon became accustomed to sinning and murmuring against God.

So also are we, although even seeing great signs, cures and miracles, we continue to live a selfish life, many times dubious and unworthy of the Lord.

That which is up to us is to pray with the music of Jorge Eugenio: “Daí-nos uma fé viva, uma fé nova, traduzida em vida, testemunhada no amor pelos irmãos…” [“Give us a lively faith, a new faith, translated into life, a witness in love for the brothers in love …”]

My Lord and my God, I believe…But increase my faith.

Ademir Costa

translated from Portuguese