The 7 Capital Sins

The subject of the Capital sins is one that is veeery important for they are what gives the seed of the all the other sins. All sins that we commit are always a variation of the capital sins, or a combination of more than one of the capital sins. Here they are explained in simple forms each one of the have a biblical passage that will help you understand this better:

1-Pride: when we seek to be better than everyone else, not respecting our neighbor and seeking to be above all others. You become your own god for the gloria of all that you did always goes to you, yourself. (Sir 10:15; Romans 3:27,, Galatians 6:4; Matthew 18:3)
2. Lust: attachment to sexual pleasures. You life revolves around sex. If you see a woman/man you already think of sex. As examples of lust we can think: adultery (betrayal) and fornication (sex outside of marriage), covet the spouse of another, masturbation, homosexuality and lesibianism, zoophilia (sex with animals) (2Peter 2:13, Leviticus 18:20,22; Exodus 20:17; Matthew 5:27; 1Corinthians 6:15; Genesis 38:8-10)
3. Avarice: is love for money. Money becomes all for you and you believe that with money you can do all and buy all, including persons. Your god becomes money. (Mt 6:24; 1Tim6:10; Mark 10:21-22; John 12:5-6)
4.-Anger: When we fight at any hour with whatever person even without a motive. When we keep grudges against someone and do not forgive as Jesus commands. (Mt 5:22; 21:12; 23:27)
5.-Gluttony: when we eat until we cannot eat more, full even until we do damage. When we satisfy our hunger but we eat the beef of another leaving them without food. (Phil 3:19; Is 5:11)
6.-Envy When we want to have something only because the other has, it is the famous “olho gordo” [fat eye] I cannot rejoice in the victories and successes of the other. (Wisdom 2:24; Genesis 4:1-16; Matthew 10:42-43; 20:1-16; Genesis 37:4; 1 Samuel 18:6-16)
7-Sloth-When we have all the time in the world at our disposal and even then we do not do the good things in support of God and our neighbor. (Sir 33:28-29, Proverbs 24:30-31, Ez 16:49; Matt 20:6)
We must take care with these sins that prowl around us all the time and turn us away from God, our freedom and true happiness.
from PHN Por Hoje Não Vou Pecar! [for Today I will not sin.]

translated from Portuguese