
Certainly once in your life you already heard it said that life is made of choices or that it has a heard that it has a color you paint. But before so many proposals and options, it is so difficult to make choices with full certainty that they are correct.

Doubt is something that touches all, neither believers nor even non believers are free from it. Who can say with certainty what to do in life? Who can tell the right way to follow without that fanaticism that leaves one blind to other realities?

In the labyrinth of doubts we are not capable of giving an answer convincing to ourselves. Only Christianity offers this answer, the answer is a person: Jesus Christ. He is fundamental for our existence and for all reality. It is real that which is fundamental in Him. If you find yourself in a labyrinth  of doubts, I say to you one thing. Only with Him can you begin to give answers. He harmonizes all the decisions, whomever follows him has a chance from Him to find the certain road. Follow Jesus leave this Labyrinth!

Um abraço! [a hug!]


translated from Portguese