Garbage is recycled, Humans Are Restored

Recycled garbage returns to the market to be sold. The human being is restored by God and returns to society to speak of “unconditional love” that restores him!

If the reality of recycling material has its importance for the life of the planet, human life has much more importance when it is restored by God. It becomes a power for good. In our day to day we run the risk of making persons to be disposable objects. Already I stop to think how many persons are depreciated in this world, discarded in their houses, in the work environment in our relationships?

I don’t know what you already lived or are living but I in a determined moment of my life already wanted to throw myself in the trash. I looked at the dumps with writings: paper, metal, glass and plastic and a point of interrogation remained in my head, “The dump does not receive human trash?” I began to think that the trash would not accept me. I looked inside of me and did not get to see a perspective of life. Only was an existential emptiness. The days were passing and the desperation was increasing but I could not see a way out. Nor are awards capable of filling us. During a time I played professional soccer, I earned money playing ball. Preceding this decision of a champion where we could be champions, I arrived to the director of the team and asked a question: If we win this championship there is a prize? His answer was: There is! What do you want to win? My response was a small farm with naked women, drink and the entire time there. We won the championship and we won the medal, we won the small farm with women and drinks, finally, the prize happened. The party ended and the emptiness of the heart continued. It appeared even that my only way out was the trash. It was when I decided to change that I could be restored as a son of God. Rather than throw myself into the trash, the merciful heart of Jesus pierced my heart.

The hands of my mother that did not give up on my, my hands that did not reject me and the hands of God that secured me when I most needed them were extremely important in my recovery and discovery of the true values ​​that life has.

What value do you give your life today?

Do not give up! You are son/daughter! How many times does the heart becomes a depot storing debris and dirt so much junk to the point of feeling unclean and we conclude that our life is ruined. God has the power to make you a new person from your ruins. God accomplishes this transformation in more unpredictable ways. In the chaos it’s time to put trust and hope in Jesus, it requires perseverance and training in the faith.

We are going to celebrate says the father: “For this son of mine was dead and not he is alive, he was lost and now he is found.” Lk 15:24

It happened with me and it happened with the prodigal son. We do not have a dimension of what happens with the fathers when the son returns to the house. I saw the expression “feast” that is what Mrs Mercedes (my mother) had for her rescued son. Celebrate the gift of life each instant!

You are not garbage! You are Son/Daughter!

Cleto Coelho,

Tem Jeito!

translated from Portuguese