God Cares for All

We begin this special weekend of healing and liberation, turning to God all the worries, that are on our shoulders and the weight that we have dragged in our daily paths.

We walk with the joyful hope and renewed in our hearts, because our Lord Jesus Christ is in our midst. We can be certain of what happens or what will happen, the Lord is on our side caring for all the details of our life—from the simplest to the most complicated—which, many times in ourselves we perceive in others; or who knows we may not be capable of caring for them.

All is made new, each day of our life, when we put Jesus in the first place and we give to Him the freedom of acting in our life, in accord with His will.

In a manner very concrete let us turn the reins of our live and that of our family into the hands of Our Savior and Master without fear or reservations. Let us submit all things, circumstances and person to the care of Him and all will acquire a new shine and a new sense, because “Because the Lord loves his people and gives to the humble the honor of victory.” (cf Ps 149:4 D-R) It is enough to trust in Him and to allow ourselves to be loved and cared by Him.

Jesus I trust in You!

Luzia Santiago

translated from Portuguese