Sowing is Necessary!

The Parable of the sower (Matthew 13:1-23) makes us reflect on two sides of one question:

One, who sows? and the other, who received the seed.

Today reading the passage of the “sower” I remembered recently, I reflected on my faults and weaknesses. I praised God, for although I felt sad and disappointed with my errors, for one thing I should be happy.

In practice all the places that I passed and the people that I knew, I sowed the word of God! I proclaimed his acts and works in my life…Recognizing this fact through my reflection, it may be with human or divine inspiration I saw it bring me great consolation for my soul. For God is always inviting us to be a blessed channel in the life of persons. And a majority of times is with our words.

Then we don’t know that the words have the power of blessing and cursing?!

For yes the words are as seeds cast in the soil of the heart of people.
Many times we are motivated to give up on people, to silence ourselves, to avoid speaking on the things of God and thus we end with this known phrase: “Many are called and few are chosen”…But it is necessary that there is the call! It is not important that the soil (heart) may not be ready to receive the seed of God. But one day, it will be, and also it will be remembered all the seeds that God sent to you. And we ourselves will be witnesses of this act for not one word sent in the name of Jesus returns empty. Therefore, we should, yes be open to the invitation to be instruments of God, tolerant and hopeful with those to whom we sow seeds. For all in a day, we pass or we will be able to pass through the experience of not having the soil (heart) fertilized and receptive to reach the word of God, But we have the blessing of having a God persistent and loving that is always sending someone in our heart.
Then: “Sowing is necessary”!
Fraternal Embrace
Theresa Calonge
translated from Portuguese