Love or Pleasure

Edison is a seminarian for Canção Nova

As long as the goal of our love is be selfish pleasure, we will be dishonest with ourselves and to those whom we pretend to love, by not obtaining the good, but our interest in obtaining pleasure. Love generates attitudes of overcoming this selfish dimension of pleasure. Pleasure is good to measure that which joins to love to seek what is really good.

Loving the other is to want their true good, in love that is fundamental to truth. The truth that we should love is holiness that love of God wants for the other. Love or pleasure. Being people implies the two realities, one complements the other. He is whole who kn0ws to integrate himself in the two realities.

The true happiness encounters itself in love that to the measure that it shares, but it can only be perfectly given when it is also received. You integral good is in the good of that one that should be loved.


Translated from Portuguese