A Great Friend

Edison is a seminarian for Canção Nova

[With the birth of Christ] we are arrive to the fullness of time, Jesus is born, the Word is made flesh. God personally enters in the history of the humanity, with this entrance in us we have a great example of what being friend is.

He says that he has such greater love than what gives his life for his friends, and He even does this for  each one of us. Thus He says that He does not call us servants, but friends, because the servant does not know what His master is doing.

But that the mixture of reciprocity in virtue, friendship is a giving of one self for the good of the friend. If the friendship demands the knowledge of one of the other , the Lord is a Great Friend, he knows us more than any other person, when we seek  to know Him we respond to His friendship with reciprocity. Our prayer is friendship with God. It is the response of love and friendship that God has with us.

a hug!


translated from Portuguese