Leave Your Anxieties in God’s Lap!

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat (or drink), or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Mt 6:25-26 (NAB)

God leads all things in our lives through roads that only He knows. He cares for us, in the little details, doing things from ordinary to extraordinary!
In each day, He asks me that I may trust and never fear because He is with me and makes himself present in all situations of my life, in situations of joy and suffering, even then I may not see nor perceive them, but God is a Father who cares.
These days I’ve had situations that leave me sad and anquished, however, I asked a Sister of the community to pray for me, and what came to her was that I was a child in the lap of my Father. In that moment she said to me that God himself that is Father put me in his lap, drying my tears and restoring my heart.
When I was a child always when something happened to me I would run to the arms of my father, there I felt secure and very loved and I knew that nothing wrong was going to happen to me.
The same happened with God who is Father of love and of mercy, He is always with open arms to wait that we may throw ourselves without fear, He wants to care for each one of us asking for full confidence, faith and simplicity.
As Mother Teresa of Calcutta said: “Confidence in Divine Providence is firm faith in what God can do to help us and will help us. What He can do to help is evident, for He is omnipotent. What He will do to help us is secure, because He in many passages of Sacred Scripture, promised and was faith to all his promises.”
The message that He leaves is that trust and abandon yourself into the arms of God the Father who is faithful to his promises and let yourselves love Him! Do not stop in situations,  for God is great than all and the good is greater than evil. Let us seek God first and the rest will come in addition .
God bless you,
Sandra Pinto
Missionary of Canção Nova, Portugal
translated from Portuguese