The Prisoner

Each year, with the motive of the celebration of the anniversary of his coronation, the king would liberate a prisoner. When his monarchy turned 25 years old, he wanted to go to the prison accompanied by his prime minister and all the court to decide which prisoner to free.

Each one of the prisoners, thinking that he could be the chosen, prepared his defense to give before the king.

Your majesty, said the first, I am innocent. An enemy accused me falsely, and therefore, I am in the prison.

“As for me,” added another, “I am innocent. They confused me with an assasin.

“But I never killed anyone.”

“The judge condemned me unjustly,” said a third.

So, all and each one spoke to the king on the reasons they merited the grace of being freed.

There was a man in the corner, he did not come near, and, then the king asked him:

“You, why are you here?”

“Because I killed a man your majesty. I am an assasin.

“And Why did you kill him?”

“Because I was a very violent man in those days. . .”

“And why were you violent?”

“Because I did not have control over my anger. . .”

A moment of silence passed while the king decided whom he would free. Then he took the scepter and said to the assassin that he just interrogated:

“You leave the prison. …”

“But your majesty,” replied the prime minister,”Does it not seem more fair to choose one of the others?”

“Precisely,” responded the king, “I removed this evil man from the prison in order to not spoil the others who appear so good.”

The only sin that cannot be pardoned is that which we do not recognize. It is necessary to confess that we are sinners and we are not as good as many times we try to appear.

Lord, help me to recognize my sins and to confess them and to amend my life!


Translated from Spanish