DeConstructing the Wrong Idea of God

How many times have you formed the “wrong idea” of someone? You thought that a person was this or that and when you met them, he or she was nothing of what you said…I do sometimes. Therefore, I have not lost the pessimistic habit of evaluating without closely knowing a person. My fault!

Now I jump up and ask you: Do you know God closely? Or also are you evaluating “someone” that you do not know and is not in relationship with you? Will it be that the people are not okay constructing a particular “little god” and saying that his will is this or that for us?

Leaving the easy trap of wanting God to do this or that for the people (God is Kryponite) of wanting to mold Him into our will so “good” and so “certain” of  directing what He should or should not do for us and for humanity, will it be that I will not fall into the old trap of being holy in order that God me give me graces. Like, I am not asking anything! but I am going so straight that I deserve a little thanks, Lord! No thanks is required, only being generous! LOL

Functioning more or less like this: I respect the commandments, the teachings, my father, sister, dog, cat, chicken and parrot and God has to compensate me. Like God is Santa Claus! What do I gain with this is a little god within my standards: He is merciful, if I behave myself in order that he may be able to have mercy on me. He is going to cure me IF I have sufficient faith for this. He only can IF I do enough to earn it, understand? The result of this God only exists within my limits! He is a little god in a cage in my mediocre holiness. The foundation is not God, it is an idol constructed by my hands (in this case brain).

How many people torture themselves in exaggerated and outlandish demands in search of an unreal holiness in order that this is going to  “please God” It is clear one pleases him and He gives compensation. In the end, God is so human only he could be Brazilian joining in our needs.

More, and I? I can not find a disembodied holiness, but will it be that I do not fall into the trap of wanting to be compensated? Now and then I return to behaving in order that after I may ask some small favors, after all I merited them!

Allow God to be God, but before our measures and hard work more rewarding. Stop and think: It was not “God” that you made in requests and accusations that truly manifested himself in your or in my life. God even manifested himself in our history. In each detail in which we could really see God, it was because He manifested himself as He is infinite mercy! Or you are more surprised when He says to you something (necessary, of course) or when He having all the motives to leave you aside, extends his hand and says I am your father! Your place is with me!  I love you!?

When he manifests himself like this in my life and instead of treating me as a servant. I, dirty and hungry, He gives me clothes and the party of a son, as He is truly God: Such that I can neither imagine that he could be like this.

And then, when did God reveal Himself to you as He is and not as you would like and imagine? When did he deconstruct Himself and reconstruct Himself in front of you? when was it that you changed the tune of your I believe and prayed I believe in God!!!! Father almighty…?”

Flavio Crepaldi @flaviocrepaldi

Translated from Portuguese