What Is the Flavor of My Life?

We are created by God for a goal.

That we may be sons of God, our first call is to holiness. “Be holy for I am Holy!” (Leviticus 11:44)

If our life lost this first sense – holiness – it does not serve much, it loses its flavor, and we will  only be walking in the space called earth…

Now as we are consecrated through our baptism, chosen and separated by God for God, we receive from Him a mission.

Therefore, each called person receives a specific mission, and different gifts, in order that the mission may happen with a contribution of each one. However, the gifts received from God, need to be efficient instruments for the life of our neighbors.

I need to be “salt” and to give flavor with my consecrated life to the  life of my brothers and sisters. In order for this to happen, it is necessary that on my part, I recognize myself as Son of God, loved, chosen by Him, and to assume the call and the gifts received – because it is grace – put into practice.

Salt is recognized as salt after it is  taken from the sea and purified then it is used. If it were to remain there in the sea and no one were to discover its “value” for human use, it would be only a mountain of of white sand.

It is not that our life is consecrated that it merits recognition…but in our vocation of Christians it will onlyhave sense and flavor, if we become docile and allow ourselves to be used by God, “according to His will” where he desires.

And now to put this in practice, I think that the first step is to be what I am, with my way of being, with virtues and weaknesses, bringing Jesus to persons with gifts that God Himself gave to me: joy, being welcoming, a writer and being present.

It is in ordinary and extraordinary situations, allowing oneself to be used by divine providence that puts in my road persons and acts in order that we may be able to give flavor and to be lights.

Giving flavor to the life of persons is to recognize in them Jesus himself, and enhance what they have to offer.

It is to be human, without leaving being Christians

Think of this!

Adailton Batista (@dalphn)

NB:I wrote in the first person for it was a personal experience, read also in the first person and allow the works to make that effect in your heart!

translated from Portuguese