Persistence Is Pleasing to God

The Author(L) on Set at Canção Nova TV

God, making us hope, wants to put our faith to test and to animate us into perseverance in our prayers. In each case, therefore, the test is only temporary and never greater than our capacity to persevere.

Among men, it can happen that a friend helps another friend moved, not actually our of pure friendship, but only in order to free himself from the problem of always being asked. It is clear that this is not the behavior of God for those that direct to Him their prayers non-stop. On the contrary, the more frequent and insistent are our prayers, all the more pleasing to God. And God only asks that we have full trust in Him that so many times He promises to hear and attend us. And He never deceives. He is a friend that can do all that He wants and He never betrays anyone.

St. Anthony, pray for us!
Jolina Pedreira de Jesus
translated from Portuguese