The Heart and the Weight of Its Contradictions

Many times, it is difficult to comprehend  the heart and that which it desires. The heart as was said well by the philosopher Blaise Pascal: “Has reasons that reason itself does not know.” It is a connection between silence and mystery.”

Through the heart, we comprehend here the center of our will, emotions and perceptions. This is truly a territory where there exists many riches that will be discovered and many uncertainties that will revealed.

At times, when we look at our life and history, it becomes difficult to understand the “why” of many of our attitudes and choices. The human will is a like a mine, in which the inconstancy and the brokenness constantly stay thus leaving a trace of confusion.

That which today is ardently desired can not be appreciated tomorrow. The will is many times a seat of inconstancy and contradiction. With all, it needs to be worked and modeled to the light of “Grace” in order that it may come to be transformed in constant will in which the good and the whole decide.

The heart that becomes a stage of inconstancies, runs the serious risk of becoming a place in which happiness will not reside, it will remain absent of the possibility of satisfying the natural center of intransitory joy

There exist proper contradictions of our road of growth on the route to maturity, others, then are the result of a broken and confused will that is accustomed to not firmly deciding for the good.   This perhaps will fall on itself from the weight of contradictions that it fabricates.

The will needs to be educated and directed to the constancy in the good. This is called virtue—reality that needs to be cultivated and conquered—for it does not 0nly happen as a natural gift. In order to acquire it, our commitment and strength are necessary.

Broken will is that which does not know how to be constant in what it chooses, and more: it is that which does know to decide, but only to agree. Whomever agrees with all that is imposed on him through culture, through the media, through the vice,s not standing for anything, loses the strength to decide and ends up not being free. On the other hand, acquiring that virtue that has the disposition to persevere in good choices, persisting always in the good, even when your brokenness and inclinations demand the opposite.

In a world marked by the transitory and through the disposable, as we are invited to decide for the good, with constancy, in the great and  small occasions presented through life. Of this form, we are eliminating the contradictions that are not beneficial to our growth as persons.

The man “is what he chooses”. Therefore, he makes it necessary to dive in the mystery of our contradictions, choosing with humility the silence of which we still are not capable of understanding directing our choices with our liberty, on the road to the construction of a permanent and mature good everyday.

Fr. Adriano Zandoná

translated from portuguese