The Parable of the Tools

A while ago, there was a carpenter, when when he finished all his work, the tools began to speak among themselves. They talked in order to know which one was the most important for the carpenter.

Mr Hammer began: Certainly it is that I am the most important for the carpenter! Without me nothing would remain standing! For I have to hammer the nails.

Mr. Saw then wanted to give his opinion: You Mr. Hammer? You cannot be the most important! Your noise is horrible! It is deafening to keep hearing tock, tock, tock…The most important is Me. Me The saw! Without me how does the carpenter saw wood. I am the  best!

No No No! Spoke Ms Sandpaper: Yes, I am the best! If not for me, the furniture would not be so smooth and perfect! I am the most important!

Ah! But it is not the same! Said Ms Plane: I am the one who leaves all straight, and I take out the imperfections from the wood. I am who is indispensable…Tsk, tsk, tsk…

That’s nothing, I say, said Ms Screwdriver: If it were not for me, how is the carpenter going to tighten the screws? I am the best!

Ah No! That is absurd! said Mr. Square: I am the most important! Without me the furniture would remain crooked. The carpenter would not know the measurement. I am the most important!

The tools remained discussing until the dawn…

The carpenter arrived to work, he put on the table the plans of a piece of furniture and began to work. He used all the tools. He used the saw, the hammer, the square, the sandpaper, the plane, the screws, the screwdriver, the glue and the varnish to put a shine on the furniture…

Finally, he finished. The end of the day and the carpenter was tired, but happy with all that he had done! His work with the tools remained excellent! The carpenter went to his  house. Finally, the tools returned to speak. Only now they remained admiring what they had done with the carpenter.

Do you know what they made? A pulpit to announce the Gospel of Jesus Christ! And it was beautiful!

They arrived at a conclusion: All were important!! The eyes of the carpenter. He used all! Without exception! And the furniture remained beautiful! They discovered that when all worked together all did the best.

In the construction of Reign of God, there does not exist one who is better than the other. All are important, all have the capacity and gifts necessary for the Reign. . ., thus if someone finds that they do not need you, remember “The Lord Counts on you!”

Respond to Him: and with His Grace.

Antonieta Santana Pereira Sales

translated from Portuguese