Curing our Leprosy

Jesus was in the city, and there was a leprous man. Seeing Jesus, the man fell at his feet and begged: Lord, if you wish, you have the power to purify me. Jesus extended his hand, touched him and said: I want, be purified. And immediately, the leprosy left him.” (Luke 5:12-13)

Let us draw near to Our Lord Jesus Christ with faith, in order that He may purify us of our sins and leprousy in such a way that we may life the true dignity of children of God, as happened with the leper. Let us assume Christ as the only Lord of our life. Today, the Lord invites us to reconcile ourselves with Him through through confession. Let us seek a priest and let us confess all our sins. “And encountering the lost sheep, he feel more joy than with the other ninety-nine that were  not lost.” (cf Mt 18:13)

Pardoning and asking pardon can be, for many, coniving to live with the error, but , we believe and experience the kindness of God, we know that the Divine Mercy always is an invitation to conversion and to change of life.

“Thus is the will of our Celestial Father that not one of these little ones are lost. (Mt: 18:44). Therefore, we should be afraid of being merciful and of repenting and changing our lives.

Jesus, I trust in You!

Luzia Santiago

translated from Portuguese