God Sees You

“God sees you
He is not indifferent to your pain
God understands you
He wants to surround you with love.”(Eliana Ribeiro)

In our pains and anguish we think that we are alone and abandoned by God. But this is not the reality. It is in this moment that the Lord is closer to us, but the pain does not permit us to feel his presence. In our feelings of abandonment, therefore we cry out like Jesus.

As the “Son of God, the confronts the drama of death, a reality totally opposed to the Lord of life. Abandoned by almost all, betrayed and denied by the disciples, surrounded by many insulting him, Jesus encounters Himself under the overwhelming weight of a mission that should pass through humiliation and annihilation. Therefore, he cries out to the Father, and his suffering assumes the sorrowful words of Psalm 22. My God, My God why did you abandon me?” (Pope Benedict XVI Catechesis 09/14/2011)

Our cry should be as the cry of Christ. A cry of faith, a cry of intimacy. As a child cries to his father, also we should cry for our Father in the moments of pain and anguish. But we are not alone, God is with us. And be certain “God sees you.”

Because: “He wants to make you happy,
He has many plans and dreams for you,
it is enough to trust
to know to hope and He will act!”
Arriverderci…Até a vista, my Brothers and Sisters…
Ademir Costa
translated from Portuguese