It Is A Question of Choices

Continually, we are called to choose, man is the only creature that takes in his hands his own destiny and living well is to choose continually.

We need to make choices for each step we take. And the only day to choose is today, for yesterday passed and tomorrow still did not arrive. Upon waking each day various choices need to be made: getting out of bed or not, doing personal hygiene or not, going to mass or not, to work or not, to give a good day to those with whom we live or pass by me or not…Finally, life is made and woven from choices.

We are endowed with freedom, and this will define what will be my choices.

The secular world imposes on us each day infinite possibilities and choices, we are surrounded by options and the final decision will always be up to me. But joined to the freedom that God gives us, it comes joined to conscience and it is inside us, that we will know if “that” choice is the correct one or not.

How many persons pay the price of having made bad choices, influenced by others or even by their own “conscience”! The conscience of “I can do all”.

We can only make good choices if we have Our Lord Jesus Christ as the center of our lives, because He himself affirmed: I am the way, the truth and the life John 14:6

And only Jesus “is the answer and the solution for the human problems” says GAUDIUM ET SPES 18.

Hence to every thoughtful man a solidly established faith provides the answer to his anxiety about what the future holds for him. At the same time faith gives him the power to be united in Christ with his loved ones who have already been snatched away by death; faith arouses the hope that they have found true life with God.”

Upon founding our faith in Christ we will make good choices each day, it may be in professional life, in our relationships, in our affections, but principally we will choose the new life that waits for us in eternity.

I have made the experience of praying and asking God the gift of discernment in each choice that I make and before taking whatever decision I try to listen that God may speak in the conscience of my heart! I leave for you this tip. How about following this path?

Good Choices!

Adailton Batista

translated from Portuguese