Knowing and Self Knowing

Courtship is a healthy moment in which we allow ourselves to know and to be known
-Dado Moura Canção Nova Missionary: from his book “Relações Sadias, Laços Duradouros” [Healthy Relationships, Long Lasting Ties”]

At every instant we have the opportunity of knowing someone. In school, in the street, and in parties. Some persons remain in our history, really we begin to know them, others speak with us and we see them only for an instant and this is not enough to know them. Courtship is a time of knowing and observing and absorbing all that the other is.

Thamy: Today, Ralphy and I can say that we know each other. The time that we are together, and the experiences will open doors in order that one may be able to enter the universe of the other. Of course, we have much to journey and to know. It is with the steps that we will give in the future (as fiancés and later married) that we will know each other more.

Ralphy: I can say with certainty Thamy is a young woman who is very caring, attentive and does not measure efforts to make me happy. She is always ready, even on difficult days, she is able to give herself in our relationship that at time I don’t believe how. At the beginning a girl, today a woman of God, mature and firm in her decisions!

Thamy: Ralphy is a guy that also matured a lot in his attitude as a boyfriend. Before, what I found would be impossible to be changed, now it has changed in reality. I saw a joyful boy and he made me very happy. I perceived in this time that across this he infected me with joy and made me find the way to be a better girlfriend. I am who I am because I have him at my side!

Don’t try to avoid it, Dating is allowing yourselves to know each other…It is to open yourself to a new person who comes and transforms your way of being!

Thamy and Ralphy
translated from Portuguese