New World Order: UN Proposes A Universal Currency

Peace beloved brothers and sisters,

Once again the world events confirm what the Holy Spirit announced prophetically through the mouth of  Fr. Jonas Abib and others:

Several days ago I posted on my blog material of a priest from the Pontifical Academy for Life, at the Vatican, denouncing that the United Nations is proposing and preparing a statute for a One Universal Religion!! But, today I bring a UN proposal for one global currency!

Another option is the introduction of a new global reserve currency issued by a global central bank. The establishment of a full-fledged international currency, however, requires far-reaching changes, including relinquishment of national sovereignty over key Incentives for individual countries to accumulate currency reserves persistThe potential for moving to a multicurrency reserve system is limitedFinancial flows to developing countries 93issues of economic policy, which the international community does not yet seem ready to make. Nevertheless, the international community should continue discussions on future needs and parameters of the financial system.-UNCTAD World Economic Situation and Prospects 2011 p.92

Really, the one global money, one universal religion, and other steps of globalization of life on the planet, will prepare the nations for a time unknown, where there will be the most possible distance from God and from the things of God, for all the truth will be relativized, and the Christian faithful to the Word of God and the Doctrine will appear to be fanatics, intolerant, of a “complex of owners of truth”, and thus will be declared officially as threats to social and world peace. Therefore, we will be persecuted, we will need to be silenced or exterminated, have in sight within this New Era of human history. It is more or less this reasoning, and what was already prophetized for diverse men and women of God, of the Church. In Fact, “the greatest journey”, seemed to be products of a fertile imagination, therefore, today the facts up to now attest to it. Let us read Matthew 24, I & II Thessalonians,etc. . . .

Whomever is able to understand, understand.

your brother

Ulisses CN


translated from Portuguese