I Am Free and Happy

Ademir Costa

Always in us will come the temptation to live our life without God. In a erroneous thought taught by the world, that God takes our liberty. Much to the contrary, the more we live our life in God, the more liberty we will have. All that we have in God will have more flavor, because we will not be empty, all will have a meaning

“When the man pretends to free himself from the moral law and become independent from God, he is far from conquering his freedom, he destoys it. Fleeing from the measure of truth, he becomes prisoner of the arbitrary; among men, fraternal relationships are abolished, to give place to terror, hatred and fear.” (RATZINGER, J. Libertaris Conscientia, 1986)

Eu sou livre e feliz. Por isso canto: “Sentindo na vida minha alma encontrou. Sua mão poderosa veio e me libertou. Agora, eu posso declarar. HOJE LIVRE SOU!”

I am free and happy. Therefore, I sing “Feeling in my soul encounters, Your powerful hand comes and frees me. Now I can declare. TODAY, I AM FREE!”

Ademir Costa

translated from Portuguese