Close All Vulnerabilities to Evil

Several years ago, a man related to me a story in which he was at what is known as a deliverance service, this is where a priest is able in the authority of Jesus Christ to break off demonic influences that have overcome a person. It is not exorcism which is the casting out of a demonic presence that has taken over a person’s will.

The man had demonstrated several strong demonic influences that have overcome him and the priest had delivered from him. The priest asked him how they got in there.

That is an interesting question. As one who reluctantly engages in deliverance ministry I can tell you that this question from the priest was very important. I say reluctantly, my priestly role puts me in the position of deliverance ministry, but I don’t like the ministry.

My preferred form of deliverance ministry is the sacrament of Reconciliation. It is the most effective form of deliverance as it involves a cutting oneself off from any connection to sin and evil to strengthen one’s relationship with Christ himself.

My experience has shown me and others in ministry concur that certain sins do by default open you to the demonic. Therefore, the priest’s questions are apropos.

In today’s world, we often dismiss these words. We have dismissed the idea of the demonic as an image of superstition coming from people that lack sophistication. Let us be honest, the demonic is part of the deposit of faith in Catholic teaching.

No one appreciates dismissing the demonic as unsophisticated as much as the demonic. The reality is that there is force in the world that seeks the destruction of humanity and he does a pretty good job of leading humanity down that path.

In today’s Gospel we see Jesus engaged in casting out demons. Many dismiss this as a form of epilepsy yet there is a vast difference from epilepsy and demonic possession and one must discern which is which.

One way to do it is to do exactly what the priest said. What actions can we take that open us to the demonic. The demonic will take any opening it can find to draw you away from God and there are many ways to open oneself up to it. There is a great way to close those vulnerabilities, turn to Christ and live the Gospel.

What are some of the vulnerabilities: any form of the occult and yes that means reading your horoscope in the newspaper. When people ask me my sign, I tell them that my sign is the cross. Often I get responses like everyone has a horoscope sign. No they don’t. Only those who embrace astrology as their way of life have a horoscope sign, by default you do not. You are Catholic.

Any other form of the occult two biggies are Ouija boards and Tarot Cards. I have dealt with serious issues in those who participated in such activities. Keep away form them. Do not visit psychics for the same reason.

The reason why these and other forms of the occult are bad is because they are a form of idolatry that put other natural forces before God in determining your future. You have a future and you know it, stay faithful to Christ and you will walk the path to eternal life. You do not need to participate in any activity to determine your future.

Other activities that lead to opening oneself to the demonic include any form of killing, before or after birth, unnatural sex, and of course an obvious one is to actively pursue a relationship with the Demonic.

I would not be caught dead paying to attend a class that teaches Saul Alinky’s Rules for Radicals. The book teaches people how to emulate the Devil. If you want to emulate the Devil he will oblige by bringing you into his lair, use you as he wants and then spit you out and destroy you. If you attend a course that uses Saul Alinsky, drop it immediately and get a full refund. If you attend a school of divinity that teaches that course, leave the school. You cannot more further define blasphemy of the Holy Spirit than calling an educational institution a school of Divinity and then teaching Alinsky in that school.

Someone once told me that the greatest sign of the demonic is moral confusion. If you are  in place where there is a muddled form of morality and they seem to be trying to teach you that right is wrong and wrong is right. The true is false and false is true, you don’t belong there. This most seen in the secular forms of social justice, even those that claim a religious basis for their actions. If you sense you cannot put your finger on what they consider right and wrong you don’t belong there.

Gang activity, if you are connected to a gang. I once made that statement that belonging to some gangs was a form of idolatry. One man who was a member of a gang protested. About three months later he was arrested for a serious crime for which he spent the better part of a decade in prison.

Gangs are  not just places where youth are found, adults belong to gangs as well. Gangs are gangs and many gangs involve a form of  commitment that leads one away from Christ. That is a dead give away sign.

Jesus casts out demons with authority. The Church is called to do the same and many cases does. The demonic is real, do not underestimate this creature’s desire for your total destruction and avoid this evil at all costs.

God bless you,

Fr.Robert J Carr

Fr. Carr is an alliance member of the New Song Community (Canção Nova). He is the pastor of St. Benedict Parish in Somerville, MA and is the editor of this blog. You may also find his videos in English at He also has a regular radio program on WebRadio Canção Nova. Which he podcasts on the Canção Nova podcast website and here on Catholicismanew.

You can follow him on twitter as @frbobcarr. Thoughts, comments on the homily? Let us know at Facebook