What Does It Mean to be Holy

“Holiness, the fullness of Christian life, does not consist in carrying out extraordinary enterprises but in being united with Christ, in living his mysteries, in making our own his example, his thoughts, his behaviour. The measure of holiness stems from the stature that Christ achieves in us, in as much as with the power of the Holy Spirit, we model our whole life on his..” (Pope Benedict XVI, Audience 4/13/2011)

My brothers, happily today we find biographies of the saints that are more human. Before, when one read the life of the saints, it appeared impossible to reach holiness. For they described the saints as superheroes or insensitive persons that did not feel the weight of humanity.

Looking to the human side of the saints helps me to walk in holiness, because I see that it is possible, even in my limits and weaknesses, reaching the blessings. I perceive that the life of the saints was filled with struggles, falls, provocations, discouragement, deserts, thorns of the flesh…

Therefore, I do not give up in the fight for holiness, because to be holy does not mean to do extraordinary things, to levitate, bilocate, to have spiritual ecstacy, to do cures and miracles. But in joining oneself to Christ in living His mysteries, in our attitudes, thoughts and behavior. Holiness consists in living the love, that is the fruit of the grace of the Holy Spirit that acts in our being.

My brothers, do not give up looking for holiness. We know that the current of the world is strong, in our limits and weaknesses we join ourselves to Jesus Christ. for when I feel weak, it is then that I am strong. (2Cor 12:10b)

Strong embrace, until next time!

Ademir Costa

translated from Portuguese