Work Like Ants

Go to the ant, O sluggard, study her ways and learn wisdom; For though she has no chief, no commander or ruler, She procures her food in the summer, stores up her provisions in the harvest.” (Prov. 6:6-8 NAB)

Once I observed the work of ants that were in the backyard. I remained impressed that they carried leaves tens of times greater than their body and roamed distances that for human beings would be dozens of kilometers. They worked hard to sustain their community. The ants became for me my example of work.

So also I should be. I cannot be lazy in the service of God. I should work as the ants, carrying that little leaf.

Therefore, we are going to work as ants in order that we may touch the ends of the Earth.

Ademir Costa

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The author is a Canção Nova missionary and seminarian