On February 26, We had something unusual: A cloistered nun attended the Oscars. She was an actriz, when she was young and played opposite Elvis Presley, being the 1st woman to kiss him on TV.
When young, her beauty was compared to the beauty of Grace Kelly.
In the 1960’s at 25 years old, the then actress left all to be today Sister Dolores, Superior of the Benedictine Order in which she lives in the cloister these last 50 years in the United States.
.She was not dressed in brand name clothing or expensive jewelry, but in her black habit.
Today at 73 years of age, Dolores Hart, or better, Sister Dolores agreed to make this rare appearance to support the documentary that told her life story, nominated for an Oscar, God is The Bigger Elvis.
Today she continues voting for the Oscar, already she is part of a long list of members of the Academy.
Junior Alves