Are We Going to Honor Our Friends Today?

All like a lot to visit and to be visited by persons who love us. And we make or receive the visit of a good friend, principlely when we miss them. When we make or receive this visit, we become reinvigorated and our heart is filled with joy and hope, because “a faithful friend is a remedy of life and immortality.” (Sirach 6:16a)

Perhaps we have forgotten some friends at the end of the day or there is much time that we have not spoken with them. Today is a great day to call them, send them a message, go to their house and make a gesture of friendship.

Jesus had the healthy habit of visiting friends and the example most classic of this was going to the house of Martha, Mary and Lazarus, whom on a certain occasion, gave a dinner in his honor” (John 12:22)

Are we today going to honor our friends?

Lord teach us the value of true friendship and honor our friends.

Thank you, Jesus, because we are Your friends and You, Lord are our Friend.

Jesus, I trust in You!

Luzia Santiago

translated from Portuguese