What Anguish Do You Carry in your Heart?

When Jesus had crossed again [in the boat] to the other side, a large crowd gathered around him, and he stayed close to the sea.One of the synagogue officials, named Jairus, came forward.d Seeing him he fell at his feet and pleaded earnestly with him, saying, “My daughter is at the point of death. Please, come lay your hands on her* that she may get well and live.” (Mk 5:21-23 NAB).

Jairo was with his heart in his hand. The live of his daughter was fading, and he worried, anguished, without human solution, perceived that Jesus could help him.

What anguish do you carry in your heart. What weight do you carry in your soul. What worry, accompanying burden? It is something personal? It is your marriage, your courtship? Or work? Is it a loved person? Your son, your daughter, your husband, your wife? Your country? What is the problem? Is it a vice? You are in a conflicting situation?

Each of us is Jairo who resorts to Jesus in suffering. Say: “Today, I direct myself to you Lord, with my heart in my hand, with the same confidence, the same faith of Jairo. I put my problems, my heavy heart, in your heart. And I do this because I know that you have the solution that I do not have, the solution that I seek and I do not encounter. It is my here, Lord. I am that Jairo!”

God Bless You,

Monsignor Jonas Abib
founder of the Canção Nova Community

Excerpt from the book ““Caminho para a Santidade” [Road to Holiness] by Monsignor Jonas Abib)

translated from Portuguese