The Glorious Coming of Jesus

Jesus will return with love. When He comes, He will reign always. We will be only one people and one Church, one heart. You that aim for Heaven, have to persevere, daily. To be a passenger [on this journey] is to be eternal. Therefore, perseverance has to impregnate us.

God is not a liar. His promise will happen. God does not delay. God really cares! Therefore, may this anxiousness and this joy sprout in your heart, do not lower your head! What the Lord wants to do in us is to revive our hope. Therefore, I ask you: What is it that you have done to hope for Jesus in your heart and in your life? What have you done in order that this may happen? When we expect someone to visit in the house we arrange the furniture don’t we? We dust, we put out vases with flowers, we arrange the sofa…we remain in expectation. We are waiting for Jesus, therefore, let joy be in your heart!!!!

We cannot remain on the wall, We on the wall have to decide for JESUS! Until He comes is the labor, is the work, is the perseverance!

(Preaching by Fr. Bruno Costa at the 26th Come and See Conference in Cuiabá, Brazil)

Translated from Portuguese