Homily from the Opening of the strong time of Adoration to the IMMENSE GOD

Brothers and sisters, what joy celebrating the resurrection of the Lord. The resurrection of the One who is Immense, that comes and reaches for us. The Holy Fathers tells us that there is  no great joy but this, that the liturgy invites us to live: celebrating the resurrection of the Lord.”

His finality is not simply that we can life here smiling, but for us to encounter the Christ. Whomever encounters Jesus has the joy and capability of smiling in the middle of adversities ou fears. These women those, taken by fear, were at the encounter of the Lord, and upon encountering Him, expressed with joy and were announcing what they encountered. “When one seeks the Lord with all their heart the joy takes account of us.”

It is a joy that involves our soul. Therefore, it is a demanding search that goes through all the instances of our day, among works and talks, and the challenge is to encounter the Lord to celebrate with joy His presence. The woman cited in the Gospel, Mary Magdalene and Mary, discovered that the mission begins at the feet of Jesus. They discovered that the mission begins on the knees, bowing at the feet of the Lord and that the joy of the mission is justly in prostrating oneself before the feet of the master and receiving from him the command: “God, announce”.

At the feet of the Lord, our mission receives vitality. We discover that it is possible to serve with joy and to grow in spiritual life. St. Thomas Aquinas, says that the first step to progress in the spiritual life is “to fill the heart with joy.” It is not the joy of the world, but the joy of encountering the Resurrected Christ and encountering also with others in the joy. The joy is one of the signs of  this encounter.

My brothers our houses need to be infected by the signs of the resurrection, of the living one, of the Immense God. Our family Canção Nova and people of God need to be infected by the sign of the resurrection because all our life comes from this. It is more than an experience, but a life that distributes itself in middle of those that encounter: The Lord remains alive and gives to us “Joy and peace” that should be transmitted with the heart, words and with our gestures.

We have the grace of living together in the presence of the Immense God. What is this? It is the experience of the resurrection giving itself in our life, sharing our interior and going infusing in all our life. The Immense God is the resurrection adored among us. He has has all the right of being that which he is, and we have the duty of giving all the glory due. Filling the heart with joy and giving to God all that which he merits. It is discovering that the strength of our consagration is being before God when we prostrate ourselves; so we don’t cede to sin. It is to be before the Immense God and crying out for holiness. When we flee from God and we imagine that evangelizing takes us away from the Lord, we runs the risk of not being contagious, and of being bankrupt, broken…

Evangelizing, first, is putting oneself as learning at the feet of the master, like someone that needs, in all, from the presence of the Lord and giving his joy to being communicators. Evangelizing is to pass first through the experience of living with Him. Today, we celebrate the joy of women that found themselves at the tomb the joy, the force of life. We are invited to bring ourselves from our places to where we may be the strength of life. The interesting thing is that those that paid 30 coins for Jesus paid much more trying to hide the truth of the resurrection. This is the strength of our evangelization: no money can stop the truth that we encounter!

May we be those that collaborate with Him, believing that the resurrected one lives among us. To Him the “eternal Alleluia”, the eternal praise and the joy for those that Discover Him as the meaning of their lives.

May Our Lord Jesus Christ be praised.

Padre Aluisio Ricardo

translated from Portuguese