MTV Brazil Host Apologizes After Promoting Graffiti Against Churches

by Fr. Robert J Carr

According to Brazilian news sources. Earlier this month a host of MTV Brazil called for people to commit acts of vandalism against churches in that country.

The host, PC Siqueira, of the program “PC na TV” [PC on the TV] showed the result of an act of graffiti against a Catholic Church and called people to repeat the act with even more ingenious sayings. The graffiti said “Deus é gay, pequenas igrejas grandes negócios” [God is gay, small churches, big businesses]. The words are slightly misspelled in the graffiti.

Tiba of the Catholic Community of Canção Nova states on his blog that MTV Brazil committed a crime, for it gave incentive to vilify religion. “This,” Tiba wrote in Portuguese,”demonstrates the profile of MTV [Brazil] and its intentions.” The religious news service Gnoticias , reports that pastor and representative in Brazilian congress Marco Feliciano asked not only for an apology but that the program be taken off the air.

Siqueira, who offered the apology for words that he said could be seen as incentives to commit crimes,  but not for the content of his words, claimed that people did not understand his sarcasm.

A video of the offending element on his show on YouTube was removed by the user of the video according to the site.

Siqueira tweets at pecesiqueira where his page features a burning church. There he says the original graffiti was inspired not by himself, but Kurt Cobain whom he says wrote the words as graffiti on roads. Siqueira also states that he does believe that God is gay in his opinion.