Cultivate the Seeds of the Reign of God

“Jesus said to the multitude: “The Reign of God is like when someone sows seeds in the soil. He goes to sleep and wakes, night and day and the seek goes growing, but he does not know how this happens. The land by itself produces fruit: first appear the stalk, later the head and, finally the grains that fill the head. When the grain is ripe,  the man uses the sickle because the time of harvest has arrived.” (Mk 4:26-29)

Because the Reign of God grows in our heart and it is necessary to cultivate this seed on the fertile soil. I want to say open to the living of the Word that is sowed in our heart. It is necessary simply to have this opening of the heart, because Divine Nature is responsible for germinating and growing its fruit in us.

That in this Easter time, I may be fertile soil in order that this divine seed may produce fruits of salvation in my life.

Strong Embrace

Until next time…

Ademir Costa

translated from Portuguese