Where Peter Is, There Is the Church

We are before the question of the identity of Jesus, before this, two titles confront themselves. “Son of Man” and “Christ”. Jesus with frequency, identifying himself asa the “Son of Man”. On the other hand, the originating in Judaism identify him as “Christ”. The “Son of Man” is an expression that appears almost 100 times in the book of the prophet Ezequiel, expressing the human common and fragile human condition of someone who puts all their confidence in God.

“Christ”, synonym of “Messiah” or “Anointed”, is a tittle applied abundantly, to David, or to one of his descendants, in the Old Testament, being associated to the idea of a power leader and dominator.

“Therefore, I say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the power of Hell never will be able to overcome it.” (Mt 16:18) The Church is immortal and its foundation should last forever.

We Catholics, have the certainty and the pride of being the only Christian Church built on the rock foundation, on Peter (see Mt 7:24). Therefore, we simple and humbly, pride ourselves in affirming: “Where Peter is, there is the Church!”

We let the first question: “Who who they say that I am?” We may respond to the second question: “And You?”. Today it is not sufficient to respond like Peter: “The Messiah, the hope of Israel”. Our response should be: “The Son of God incarnated, ‘the one who gave himself and died for us.’ ” (cf Gl 2:20). Therefore, we live the present life through faith in the Son of God.

In truth, this image of Christ, that we bring inside of us from baptism, is torn or dim. How can we be apostles if we do not feel His presence inside of us? How “can we sell a product” of which we are not ourselves convinced?

Jesus response, given to Simon, indicates that our response, admitting His total lordship as Messiah and Son  of God, is also a gift from Heaven. We will not be the chiefs like Peter, but the Church will be founded on us and on our families.

Beyond Christ as the central figure, we have Peter as the figure stressed for two reasons: for his faith in Jesus and for his list of services as chief of the community. The revelation of confessing Jesus as Messiah, Son of God, is a gift of the Father, and this serve for all of us. The leadership of the ecclesial community is proper to him [Peter] and continues in his successors through the centuries. To them belong the power of keys, juridical and doctrinal, as the Catholic Church understands. This power was not give to the other disciples and, therefore, we should distinguish it from the evangelizing power from from the government given to the rest of the apostles, of which all of us participate as disciples and missionaries of Jesus Christ with a specific mission.

That the two pillars of the Church Peter and Paul, intercede for  each one of us to the end that we may be truly disciples and missionaries, exercising our daily work and professing our faith in  Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God!

Father Bantu Mendonça

translated from Portuguese

Fr. Bantu Mendonça Katchipwi Sayla is a priest for the Diocese of Tubarão, Angola
His YouTube Page is: http://www.youtube.com/user/bamksayla (Portuguese)