Prophet of Lies

This morning, I was impressed with the testimony of the Prophet  Micah in my bible study of 1King 22. I remembered you then! Of course I have to share this experience of the Word and invite you to share your experiences also through our blog!

They were times of peace and the King of Judah and the King of Israel were together, thinking of what? War! They were joined to take a certain city and they convoked the prophets of the place, around 400, to know if it was worth it to continue their mission. All were saying the same thing: You are going to win! In the middle of the push-pull of this band of prophets, they felt one missing, the blessed Micah of Jemla. Upon remembering Micah, the King of Israel said to Josaphat, King of Judah:

“I don’t like him because he also tells me bad things, he never prophesies good things.”

I died laughing when I read this because I also, depending on the situation, I ask everybody what to do, except God. Is it not true that when people want to do something that is not good, people seek the opinions of allies? Thye find justification, motives, but in the ultimately the people know that if they ask God the answer, it is not going to be the answer that the people want to hear…

… Arriving in the front of the kings Micah said: You can go (and leave me living here, you should have thought.) The kings were surprised by the answer, but, Micah could not bear to remain quiet, it was then he spoke saying that God told him that defeat would be certain if the battle happens. And he said more that the spirit of lies was in the mouth of 400 “prophets” that had been consulted before to confuse the King of Israel.

Conclusion: It was not the answer that they wanted and poor Micah was put in prison. They began the war and conforming to the prophesy, the King of Israel died and the dogs licked up his blood.

Speaking in the name of God only to have prestige before the powerful is easy, only God does not make me to be a flatterer but a prophet. To denounce the decadence that this world “normalized”, the removal of God, the cooling of faith, the decriminalization of abortion, the prostitution of our youth to the costs of drugs, fads… it is necessary to be courageous, because the price is life itself. There is no other way.

To walk with Christ is necessary to embrace with all your strength the only recompense that is worth giving your life, the Imperishable Crown of Glory! Eternal life!

We are together! God bless your road.

Ana Lucia

translated from Portuguese