Do Not Be Afraid of God’s Healing Touch

The care of the body is important, but God wants a new birth that begins from the inside. For God reveals himself, giving us another sense in regard to our pains. Interior healing is that tool that makes it possible to change our view of the realities that we live, our sufferings, the betrayals and the losses in our past.

Many times we see our pains lined in lies, lies of ourselves. We need to have the courage of asking how God sees this reality, we cannot make ourselves victims and feel sorry for ourselves.

Today we participate in the sacrifice, not a sacrifice without fruits, but a sacrifice that gives life.

You need not to fear the Holy Spirit revealing to you your very self. At times what causes most pains is perceiving that we are not super-heroes, we deceive ourselves when we do not face our finiteness.

God is not going to force you. You need to take your wounds and give them to the Lord. Christ does not want to heal your symptoms, He wants to heal you in at the roots.

It is necessary to confront your own history, it is necessary to have a dialog in silence with yourself. How many people live like this.

“Lord you revived me and I understood; make me know the intrigues. I was like a gentle lamb brought to sacrifice, and I did not know that they were plotting against me: ‘We are cutting the tree in all its strength, eliminate it from the world of the living, so that its name may no longer be remembered.

” And you, Lord of hosts, that judge with justice and persecute those affected of heart, allow that I may see the vengeance that you will take against them, for I trust my cause to you.”[Jer 18:11-20]

In this process of interior healing, it is necessary to hope for the justice only in God, it is necessary to hope in God in suffering. It is necessary to hope in God.

You are not an unfortunate, you are a child of God. The circumstances and the suffering of your life can influence you, but they cannot determine who you are.

Do not assume a false identity. Perhaps your identity may be under the rubble of fear, pains and deceptions.

Do not be afraid of entering in your pains, and in your history. Do not be afraid of your weakness. What hurts you could be more what saves you. Be yourself, do not be what life makes you to be, but be who you are in front of God.

Father Adriano Zandoná

Translated from Portuguese

Transcription and Adaptation from spoken homily: Elcka Torres