The Strength that We Lack!

Many times we look within ourselves and, before so many struggles that we live each day, we perceive ourselves to be weak, faint, without strength. The world tries to drag us down with an avalanche of bad news, of bad actions, of decisions that point us to an uncertain future outside the will of God. We fight, we try to resist and swim against the current, but we get tired and question ourselves and, a times, we want to give up and get taken away. We lack strength; the Strength!

After the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the joy returned to the hearts of the disciples, but, even seeing Him that they loved living among them, still they did not have the sufficient strength to confront the world outside those closed doors of the Cenacle. They lacked the Strength!

It could be that – that as disciples – you already had an encounter with Jesus and really experienced the joy of the Resurrection, that was capable of returning to you joy and your lost dreams. Or perhaps you still are closed in your frustrations and bitterness without hope, joy, desiring death each day.

of which form, when you look to the world there outside that you hope, you tremble and lock the doors of your heart with fear of losing all that you received. For it is the disciples of Jesus, those closest to Him, that lived with Him, who all were like this.

However, a promise was made to us “[…] you will receive the strength of the Holy Spirit that will come over you.” (Acts 1:8) Jesus made this promise not only to His disciples, but to each one of us. The Lord knew that alone we would not be able to confront the world, for it is natural for the human being to fear what appears to be so big. Therefore, a supernatural force was necessary, beyond what is natural to us, a grace. The baptism of the Holy Spirit was necessary for us. “[…] You, therefore, within a few days will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 1:5)

The Holy Spirit is the Strength from on  high, the Power of the Lord, the Love of the Father for each one of us, poured out in an abundant way over all those that ask, the supplicate, that implore and that cry out to the Father for this grace. Jesus promised us this gift, and more than this: He affirmed that the Holy Spirit would never be denied to those who may ask the Father:”Pray, if you who are bad know to give good things to your sons, how much more the Father of Heaven will give the Holy Spirit to those that will ask Him!” (Lk 11:13) Christ did not say that the Father “would be able” to give us this grace. No! He said that the Father will give the Holy Spirit to those that ask Him.

Being baptized in the Holy Spirit is to dive interiorly into the Love of God, and to live, exist and move in it. (cf Acts 17:28) We are taken interiorly through the action of the Force of God, that impels us, gives us courage and all the arms necessary to confront the battles  of the world; and overall: it give certainty to us who are loved that we have a Father that cares for us and, therefore, there is nothing to fear.

You should be asking yourself: “What do I need to do to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit?” Only two things are necessary: Desire this with all your heart and cry out that the Father renew your heart through the force of His Love, through the force of His Holy Spirit, your heart and all your life. Desire, ask, cry out, suplicate and God will respond to you with the Strength from on High, with a total renewal of life.

Now take care! Upon asking for the baptism of the Holy Spirit you will run the risk of life. Yes! You run the risk of dying to the old  life and receiving from God a new life His Spirit!

We are broken we recognize this. For this reason, we cry out to God that He may give us His Holy Spirit, for only the Paraclete is capable of giving us the courage to confront this world, without fear and will all the joy of those that were transformed by the Love of God.

We need this Strength. The world needs this testimony. However, the Invisible Force of the Holy Spirit of God only will be manifested to the world when our lives are truly transformed by His power.

It is only by asking that the Strength that we lack, will come. Veni Creator Spiritus! Come Holy Spirit!

God bless you!

Your Brother,
Renan Félix


translated from Portuguese