Join Your Heart to Jesus’

Keep your heart joined to Jesus’

In the youth group Shekiná, Lucelia missionary of the Canção Nova Community, taught us that we need to be with a heart united to Jesus’

Have you seen a friend become an enemy?

Sirach 37:2

Peter and Judas were friends of Jesus

Peter fell in fear, repentant, he encountered the heart and the look of Jesus.

Judas fell into ambition, he had the opportunity but did not want to encounter the heart and the look of Jesus, he stopped in his sin.

We are all invited to be like Peter ENTERING the Merciful Heart of Jesus, be it for our  sins, limitations, weakness, your place is inside of this Heart that transforms and gives us life in abundance.

Peter and Jesus are us, before our weakness, our sin it is necessary to draw near to the Merciful Heart of Jesus and not to “hand” death to the few, . . . how many times do we see people “living death”, that lost the sense of life. ..

We cannot permit that anything nor anyone to take us from this Heart, for my place is here…Jesus has these two friends that betrayed him and we too have these friends that betray us, hurts us, that injure us, and I need to bring these persons inside the Heart of Jesus,  for he welcomes all, it is necessary to be like Pedro who wept bitterly repentent of  his sins inside of the Heart of Jesus, but never leaving this Heart

Canção Nova Curitaba

translated from Portuguese