Do Not Sow Your Desires in Another’s Garden

São Francisco de Sales

Do not sow your desires in the garden of others; only cultivate your garden. Do not desire to be what you are, but desire to be better than you are…” These are the words of St. Francis de Sales, bishop, great preacher, and who knew with his simplicity to preach on the importance of each time drawing closer to ourselves but, to this, it would be necessary to draw closer to God, who alone knows the core of what we truly are.

St. Francis de Sales believes that the above phrase is the key word in the spiritual life. The more we draw closer to ourselves, the more we will encounter God, but the more we move away from ourselves, seeking to be another, or that which we would like to be, the more we move away from whom God dreams for us to be.

He continues saying that “Each soul loves according to its own taste, but few persons love what they should, Our Lord”. Still more “What good is it to build castles in Spain if we should live in France?”

Brothers, know to want what God wants for you and not what you seek to be good for you. As St. Francis de Sales says, in this is the key word of the spiritual life.

Look back and always know: What does God wants of me and what does God  wants for me? That is the solution.

Junior Alves

translated from Portugues