And I Will Remain with This Church

The Church is apostolic because it comes from the Apostles: it is a continuation of them. She brings the apostolic succession. Our bishops did not become bishops because they wanted this, through their own will, as happens in other churches, denominations and sects. The bishop of  his diocese is a successor to the apostles. The Catholic church keeps the apostolic succession. Pardon the abruptness of this expression: Our bishops are not adventures who resorted to the title of bishop, but they were chosen through that which Jesus called “my Church” to realize the apostolic succession. It is a treasure that belongs to us: only the Catholic Church has apostolic succession. Therefore she is “apostolic”.

And with this Church one, holy, catholic and apostolic that we are. With the Church that Jesus founded upon Peter saying: “You are Peter and upon this Rock, I will build my Church.”

It is important that you renew the faith in this Church, now:

It is with this Church that I want to remain; this Church that has the Eucharist, that has the succession of the apostles, and therefore, has the doctrine of Jesus that was passed through the bishops and through that who is the successor of Peter, the Pope. I believe in this Church, one, holy, catholic and apostolic. Thank you, Lord, because you built Your Church on the rock that is Peter and on the twelve rocks that are your apostles. Thank you very much, Lord, because it is in this church that I will be to the end. Amen!

God Bless You!

Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community

(Excerpt of the book “Eucaristia, nosso tesouro” [Eucharist, Our Treasure] by monsignor Jonas Abib)

translated from Portuguese