In the Mother’s Lap

I want that all this happiness, of being able to be at the doors of Your house dear Mother, lives in me. And hearing your loving invitation to remain with you. My joy, pain, dreams, realities, convictions and uncertainties, nothing is hidden from you!

All of me you know!

Therefore, I ask you, Mother, Our Lady of Piety, that you have in your arms, your son so loved but disfigured through the sins of humanity; look to us today and welcome us in your arms surrounding us with the love with that which only the heart of a mother is capable of surrounding the son who suffers.

To you, we run, In your Immaculate Heart, we find refuge, Guide us and lead us, today and always. Amen!

Let us pray together

Our Lady of Piety, pray for us!.

That you may encounter the loving Mother today!

Fátima Nogueira

translated from Portuguese