The Gifts of the Lord Are not Toys

Upon receiving the commands of God to free His people, Moses showed himself completely powerless, but then the Lord gave to him through the staff that he brought to pastor the sheep. Then the staff was blessed with the power of God to pastor the people. And Moses, with the staff of God in his hands, with the divine power, was at the top of the mountain to pray.

Our prayer needs much power, but none of us have it. Or it may be that human prayer does not have an effect. Therefore, as Moses, only we can go “to the mountain of prayer” with the power of God in our hands. And the Lord placed at our disposition, pouring out His Spirit upon us, the Spirit with which all things were created-, that is living water flowing in us. Therefore, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and principally the prayer of the Spirit-in tongues- is what permits us to experience the benefits of the power of God.For “The Spirit comes to help us in our weakness, for we do not know how to prayer as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with deep groanings” (cf Romans 8:26)
It is important, therefore, to understand that prayer in tongues it not a child’s toy to grab, use and then tired of it cast it aside. It is as this “staff” that the Lord wants that we climb the “mountain of prayer” to conquer whatever battle against our enemies. Moses raised the staff of God in prayer and Israel conquered.

God Bless you!

Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the  Canção Nova Community

translated from Portuguese