Missionaries Evangelizing in the USA

Luciano Lobo -Missionary in the United States

To be missionary is before all a grace from God who manifests Himself in my life through the Canção Nova charism. To be consecrated is to be an instrument of God’s, or maybe available to do all that the Lord wants and is necessary for the salvation of souls of those that He loves.

Thus, as the Lord loved me and called me I also need to be a channel of the same grace for so many others that one encounters in the world who need to know the true Love that is Jesus Himself. We are called and driven by Christ to live as He lived, to be salt and light for this world and in Canção Nova forming new men for the new world.

I am grateful first for all the love God has for me. The whole initiative was from the Lord, thanks to Him, today I can treading this beautiful road of sanctification. Also for all the sanctifying grace poured over me and all my family, my friends and person that I have the opportunity of encountering and for whom I pray. Finally, Thanks to God, through Canção Nova, for it was in place that He chose to form me and to help many others to be formed. Thanks, Lord, for all!

It is a great challenge, for before all we need to learn the culture and the language of the local people to discover how to better live with them and evangelize them. Therefore, I began saying that before all, the inculturation is very important in order that we may be to understand and love those as they are and how Jesus taught us.

With all, I see that the grace of God has acted and manifested through us, through our vocations that are surging here and especially through vocations of the American brothers. Today already we have 2 Americans in the Canção Nova community, being one priest [the editor of this blog] and a lay persons.

translated from Portuguese