How Do We Understand Freedom?

Last week I had a lot of desire to write about liberty, I ended up not having time to sit down and allow inspiration to happen. This same week, I saw a report in an old magazine that made me reflect still more over the notion of the concept of freedom that we understand. . .

Many time we give up commitments of the affective order, professional, and religion principally, by judging that these things can be inhibitors of our freedom.

In that report that I read, it spoke of the life of a North Korean youth, named Shim, who was born and lived for more than 20 years in a concentration cam in North Korea and miraculously was able to escape that camp after 23 years of captivity. In that long time of captivity, he was subjected to the worst deprivations and human disrespect. Educated through a form of irrational alienation, he saw his mother and his brother were executed because of his actions by the regime to which they were submitted.

What impressed me is that in our times today, still there exist concentration camps, various forms of imprisonment and alienation for ideologies. Power and tyrannies through all corners of the world. Even with a history of teaching us the consequences and the errors of a humiliating submission, still we run the danger of finding ourselves in this situation today. Why?

Perhaps through the freedom that we do not know to  use! You can say to me that this youth did not have any guilt, for he was born in a concentration camp, still many found themselves in this terrible destination they did not choose. It is true but others before them were able to choose! And even many parents choose in error the destiny of their own children, leaving them weakened to choose their own destiny. Many parents choose tyranny and corruption to the power by selling themselves through convenience, apathy and superficiality in the hour of choosing their representatives. This, because they did not want to understand what is human respect, responsibility, solidarity, justice, good sense and righteousness.

What is the value of looking at another, when I, however, only want to look at me? This is the root of all concentration camps!

As this is, in our country, we see the most varied form of human disrespect and we continue alienated to a false freedom. We are in a great concentration camp obeying, applauding or maintaining ourselves inert to the impositions of a modern world, that preaches that we can break rules (but only the rules of good conduct, human respect and rules that aim at the integrity of the family.)

However, we continue! We continue to legitimate the death of defenseless little ones…Because they do not possess a brain or because who knows we are not for them being born. And as is this, also we legitimate innumerable politicians with their wicked brains that continue to command the disrespect and the “equal unequalilty” of an ideology. We continue also to debate and accept the motions and strands of the removal of crucifixes and stoning the Church of Jesus, Church of the only Icon that truly teaches us that which is freedom, justice, love and allows us freedom to choose Her or not.

As time, I remain very afraid of what our next generation will end with the same destiny of the young Shim…and whose guilt will it be?

I think ours!

Fraternal Embrace

Theresa Calonge

translated from Portuguese