God Uses Us as Light

God uses us as light. Therefore, we bother those who are not from Him. And through our bothering them, they come against us. And still, we are a motive of questioning for those persons that do not find God important.

One very near person to me told me that those that lived in her house, said to her: “You are like our ‘conscience’: you live accusing us. Your presence, your way, your words accuse us.” In reality, she was not doing nor saying anything, but the others felt accused and assaulted only because she fought to be of God and to witness this with her life.

Therefore, de not be deceived! If we are of God, if we live in the Christian way, we end through being a bother. And it is this bothering that can save. In truth, it is not us who bother: it is the Gospel that we live, that of God that is in us. Our families need to be entirely of the Lord. And therefore, Jesus chose Zachaeus, He chose us, despite our limitations, to bring Him to our houses. We do not have fear, in Christ we are conquerors.

God Bless You!

Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community.

translated from the Portuguese